
Design goals

Player experience:

RPG "vs." RTS

Blur the lines between the genres by having different modes of control, which can be switched by the player at will:

The only difference between RPG and RTS is then the number of units you have access to. Single-character settings are RPG, while squad settings are more of a squad-RPG. A scenario with many characters is clearly RTS.

One interesting niche is when you cannot control individual units, and are forced to stay in squad mode, or there is only one or only a limited set of special units that can be directly controlled, and the rest is only commandable via maneuvers. Depending on whether you can select multiple squads in different locations, that also opens up different styles of gameplay. Squad mode is theoretically zoomable to larger scales, even up to controlling multiple armies. Squad mode relies on an expressive set of maneuver commands with satisfying customisability of the parameters. Like on army scale:

All three major modes of command must be polished to the point where you could make a game with only that one command mode. Unifying those will create a truly satisfying versatile game, and maybe also result in multiple interesting games.

Even the same game can be played in all these flavours, potentially. Although having someone play as multi-squad RTS player against a Solo RPG player could possibly be unbalanced. But maybe the increased control & more focused rewards of a solo player can make up for that. After all, squads have less precision for the individual units' actions.