The Chriſtian Programmers League is a fundamentaliſt programming community. We are fundamentaliſt Identity-Chriſtian Iſraelites and reject this jewiſh world, and do not tolerate any ſin. We muſt ſtrive for Chriſtian virtues both in our personal conduct and in the things we build on our own. The Chriſtian Programmers League is intended to create a non-ſecular, iſolated ecoſyſtem of independent works by Chriſtians for Chriſtians. We want a refuge for our weary ſouls. It is not intended as a means to ſpread the faith to unbelievers, or to get people to join. Anyone who proclaims to be a member is a member, if he follows the rules: ## Rules for CPL memberſhip: 1. You have to be a fundamentaliſt Identity-Chriſtian Iſraelite. 1. You have to ſtrive for excellence in your craft. Yahweh has created the world and Adam and called them good, we in turn muſt create good things. Inferior or anti-Chriſtian works are not permitted. If you don't know what excellence entails, you are not welcome. 1. Anyone who falls away from the faith after becoming a CPL member can never be accepted back in. ## Rules for CPL projects: 1. Projects built as part of the CPL muſt be dedicated to Yahweh, public-ſource, and not for profit or personal gain. All CPL projects muſt contain a note indicating that they are part of the Chriſtian Programmers League. 1. These projects muſt be for the ſpiritual edification of Christian Israelites. This includes tools for ſtudy, tools for ſovereignty and liberty in perſonal matters, tools aiding honeſt work, fellowſhip, tools archiving and promoting Chriſtian culture, works of beauty, etc. 1. No non-CPL members are allowed to contribute to CPL projects. Anyone who accepts their contributions to a CPL-designated project is expulsed for life. 1. Any CPL work muſt ſtate that it is only intended to be used by fundamentaliſt Identity-Christian Israelites. Uſers do not have to be programmers, or be part of the CPL. But the unbelievers ſhould be left with the goyſlop ſoftware they deſerve. 1. It is permitted to uſe non-CPL tools to build CPL projects. 1. AI-generated works are not permitted. God had deliberate intent behind His creations, and AI does not have intent or deliberations. ## Non-programming works Other works can alſo be counted as CPL, even if they are not ſoftware, if they ſtill adhere to the ſame ſpirit and goals. Art, muſic, literature, etc. are all welcome.