You have reached the objective obſerver. I hope you will have an informative journey.

Warning: This is a Chriſtian ſite, part of the Chriſtian Programmers League. Trannies, jews and homos are not welcome here.

If you are a white Chriſtian virgin woman 30 years old or younger and ſeek a Chriſtian marriage, contact me!


Steffen "RmbRT" Rattay
Ambaſſador, Kingdom of Heaven Odysee GitHub

Update 09/16/24

I had recently gained ſome inſight into the clock-baſed conſenſus mechaniſm I had been ſtuck on. Inſtead of trying to make a perfect objective deciſion in each node, I can ſimply accept everything locally, but add a global challenge duration for every tranſaction. If ſomeone challenges a tranſaction, the collective decides to ban either the accuſer or the accuſed via a vote (Proof of Capacity voting). Since node identities are tied to a proof of capacity, ſpam / malicious actions are time-expenſive, and therefore, voting to ban ſomeone is a rare occaſion, but enſures a coherent view of the ſyſtem among honeſt nodes.

Additionally, I have been working on a ſmall tool for creating animated pixel graphics, inſpired by this video. This technique is quite intereſting and will be uſed to make the characters and items in my game (3D terrain and buildings + 2D ſprite characters and items).

Update 03/28/24

I'm currently reworking the general appearance of the ſite. Recently, I have been quite buſy at work, and did not really get a chance to continue much on my perſonal projects.

Update 11/03/23

I have to throw away the C code generator and implement a more low-level code generator first. Directly printing the AST is meaningleſs becauſe it does not contain code like exception handling, deſtructors, code-blocks-as-expreſsions, etc. For that, I will firſt create a detailed intermediate repreſentation, with the goal that it can also be interpreted or be uſed for debugging etc. All machine-agnostic optimiſation alſo has to take place in the intermediate repreſentation or the AST, not in the code generator. I am ſtill uncertain about how exactly I will implement that, given the many vague conſtraints I have to meet. So I will probably be doing some praying and thinking for a while before reſuming my work. In the end, I will probably end up with baſically aſſembly-like C code being generated, uſing C as a portable aſſembly language. Another thing that bugs me is that the type ſyſtem is no longer fully in line with what I want in the final language, and especially things like laſt-uſe detection are pretty complicated, ſo I alſo have to come up with a concrete algorithm and ruleſet for that.

Update 10/13/23

Finally got around to outputting my firſt lines of analyſed and template-inſtantiated C code from my ſelf-hoſted compiler. As a teaser, I preſent you below an example of how OR types work in my language (baſically tagged unions) together with automatic return types:

automatic_return_type() ?
    X: UINT := 0;
    = X + 5;
    = <INT>(5);
    = FALSE;

Obviously this is a contrived example. But it currently generates the following C code (ſlightly ſhortened):

struct or_0x56492915f1f0 {
    uint8_t kind;
    uint_t opt_0;
    int_t opt_1;
    _Bool opt_2;

struct or_0x56492915f1f0 fn_0x56492915f070()
uint_t local_1;
 local_1 = ((uint_t)0);
return (struct or_0x56492915f1f0){
        .kind = 0,
        .opt_0 = (local_1+5)
return (struct or_0x56492915f1f0){
        .kind = 1,
        .opt_1 = ((int_t)5)
return (struct or_0x56492915f1f0){
        .kind = 2,
        .opt_2 = false

I ſtill have quite a long way to go until everything works properly, especially ſtuff like exceptions, ſtatement expreſſions (like x + ({ Y: INT := 5, = Y + 5;}), etc.), and the whole OOP ſtuff. These OR types truly begin to ſhine once I add the >> prefix operator, which implicitly branches the code it is ſurrounded by, and inſtantiates it for each concrete type contained in the OR type. So I could write x += >>automatic_return_type(), and it would look at the returned types, and create a caſe that perform x += <actual value> on each one. If any caſe would fail to compile, but at leaſt one would compile, it inſtead results in a runtime error being thrown if a caſe that would fail to compile is triggered. This allows me to do ſtuff like this: >>(some_function()).member_function(), and it would either execute that function if it exiſts on the actual returned type, or throw an error. The run-time error can be ſuppreſſed via a poſtfix ? (at least, that's how I think I'll do it), and you can add a fallback caſe with OR: >>(some_function()).member_function()? OR fallback_action().

Update 08/11/23

I've been burned out recently, slowly recovering.

I made a very primitive prototype implementation of the game, which I plan to extend over time. It is currently styled like an auto-battler card-game, but the next stage will be a bird's-eye view 2D RPG. The final stage will be a 3D game with first-person controls.

On the compiler front, I made some progress, and am now in the midst of the template instantiation and type checking / overload resolution code. I guess it will take me until the middle of 2024 or so to finish the self-hosted compiler version that outputs C code (if, Yahweh willing, I don't have another burnout). I hope that the self-hosted, self-compiled compiler will not take over two minutes to compile (as the bootstrap compiler currently outputs a monolithic C++ file).

I hope to finish the compiler as soon as possible so that I can write the game in my own language, and compile to WASM, targeting WebGL/WebGPU, to run it in the browser. While browsers are a bit gay, they are still useful as a simple-to-access cross-platform multimedia engine, without many discrepancies or quirks to look out for (compared to native applications). And since I will output C code in my compiler anyway, I might as well run that through a C-to-WASM compiler.

Update 04/06/23

Over the past months, I didn't really make that much progress on my code; I have been thinking a lot about the CPU ISA I want to design for my language, however, and made good progress there. I have settled on a lot of stuff already:

Notice 09/02/22

The compiler rewrite is going well; I'm making good progress. Today, I seemingly finished the scoper stage of the compiler, next up are the symbol resolver, template instantiator, type checker/overload resolver, and code generation stages. Due to the better compiler architecture, adding new stages has very little overhead, and only the actually new parts have to be written.


The paper for a clock-based alternative to blockchains is on hold until further notice because I hit a major roadblock with my design. I realised that while it works in clearly honest and clearly adversarial scenarios, when someone is right on the edge of the allowed clock discrepancy, it breaks down, as decisions cannot be clearly categorised as honest or malicious by all honest participants, and disputes cannot be solved without voting, or at least I didn't find a way to do so. I will still look into it from time to time, and try out new ways, since I really like the project, but for now, I'll focus entirely on my compiler until I get some new inspiration. I'm looking into web of trust designs similar to PGP, that may also be viable. Also I'm rethinking the transaction model, and whether I need a total global ordering of all transactions or whether something like a causally consistent ordering is sufficient, as well as the general system design that would arise from that.

P.S.: I'm probably also going to write a tool for publishing small blog posts like this and putting them into an RSS feed.